World Spaces


Indie Studio Pitch

Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle


For this unit I decided to work with Bradley and Duck in developing the narrative of Space Caretaker for Hire. I met with them on Friday’s to discuss the existing scope for the project as well as what their intended outcomes were. I was originally asked to create profiles for potential planets that could be explored, however the needs for the project changed after we started investigating the goals.

I enjoyed the process of working on SCFH, I get along well with Bradley and Duck so it was fun to talk and discuss the project. Although I was hampered by illness and poor personal time management

I worked quite closely with Duck as the Lead Narrative Designer. I found that Duck was in a good position to act as an advocate for the characters, whereas I worked as an advocate for the audience and I was able to adjust my suggestions to create the impression of the characters that they wanted to portray. However, because a lot of time was spent understanding the goals of project there was less time to create a robust document, therefore by the time of handin I only had a partial World Bible.

While this was unfortunate I think that the overall experience working with a team and having to integrate myself into it was invaluable, and since intend to continue working with the SCFH team going forward, I am not disappointed in my work because I know I have the time to develop it. I was aware that I was taking on extra work with completing the Year 3 projects and the World building document and I think that if one of them hadn’t been collaborative I would have been able to produce the work needed, but I now know that I am only able to maintain work on one collaborative project and one solo project at a time.

If I were to complete the project again I would have asked for more frequent meetings and feedback in the early stages so that I was able to work more independently and have the time to complete the project to the breadth that it deserved. I would also have a more consistent template for the world and I would collate my research in a more visual fashion to make it easier to read at a glance.

Although my handin was subpar I do intend to continue to work on the document and present a fully realised document now that I can work on it with a better understanding of the project and tone it needs to be situated in. I will also continue to work with the SCFH team by creating narrative pitches and creating documentation once I have the groups approval.