This week we weren’t as closely focused on the projects and due to the Year 3 presentations I didn’t get the time to review my work one on one, but the stand-up meeting did help me cement what I needed to continue working on.

It was interesting to talk about Kanban and Scrum, and it was gratifying to see how much for of the reading on scrum that I could remember and explain. I am also glad that the discussion prompted me to add a Kanban page to my notion set up. I took one of the templates and adjusted the groups to be for my unit and nestled it in my weekly agenda so although I might not use it day to day like I do my checklist it is still easy to reference. I am also interested in implementing Gianna’s version of the method which tends towards prioritising visual information and working in cycles.


The Year 3 pitches were interesting and there are some amazing projects being produced, however none that would allow me to flex my skills as a narrative designer. Nevertheless I have put myself forward for all the QA requests I can handle and some of the art requests that are more suited to my skill set. Because I may not even be requested to work on the art over some of the pathway students I have decided to think more on the other briefs that are available just in case.

I am also looking into upgrading to notion plus so I have the ability to make my sites live so that I don’t have to transfer or translate my work to be readable after the fact.

For the rest of the week my goal is to work on learning figma and making a flowchart of my game loops, mechanics and deliverables so that my presentation isn’t inundated with text. Then I want to refine some of my concept art into pixel art and animate it if possible to give it life. Once this is done and put together I should have a very solid presentation for the hand-in date and I will be ready to work on the whole class project with a clear head.