Due to the nature of the production pipeline design had less work to complete during this week, therefore we committed to making a World Bible while waiting for the first build of the game.

There was some miscommunication and strife between team members, however I was able to talk through things before it became a larger issue and I am thankful that my team felt able to speak to me on the matter.

I am glad that offering pizzas for the formative week worked well, even for design which did not need that much intense collaboration, it was still nice to talk and answer questions in person and I think it bolstered a sense of community with in the group.

Creating the documentation is still daunting, and I’ve realised that whilst I have facilitated a lot of work I don’t have as much of my own fingerprints in the game, however I hope that my documentation and the work I have done in supporting my team will act as evidence for my contribution.

Made a mistake and almost didn’t assign Charlie any work but caught it and put him working on the GDD with me.