<aside> 💡 I was late to the meeting due to illness so I asked George & Elijah to take the lead on pitching which it seems like they did excellently.



Scrapyard Saviours Game Concept Pitch

Slide 2: The game takes place in a scrapyard in the outer orbits of a neon planet where a small up cycling business is trying to make a name for themselves by converting trash into treasure.

(picture from George's mood board)

Slide 3: Players control one of four possible character and work together to fulfill orders for their clients among the stars.

(overcooked screenshot + a generic spacescrap yard if you can?)

They pick up recipes, craft them using the scraps in the junkyard, and then send them off to the clients.

Slide 4: Simple right! Well, unfortunately as in any business venture there are risks, falling profits, bad reviews, eldritch tentacle beasts trying to eat your employees (ect ect).

(add in Charlie's level design with the lava pit?)

Slide 5: But if our players work together they can over come anything and become the highest rated startup in the galaxy!

Slide 6:

Game at a Glance:
